################################################### LIBCONNECT 0.5 ################################################### Libconnect is a simple library wrapper written in assembly language (it was just a 'test', I wanted to write something in asm for fun) that intercepts the calls applications make to establish TCP connections and transparently proxies them as necessary. You can use http 'connect' and 'post' proxies. You must specify at least 1 proxy in the config file; if you provide multiple proxies the library can cycle them connection after connection (to change this behaviour please see the libconnect man page). You can directly access (without proxies) certain hosts or networks. Please read the libconnect.conf(5) and libconnect(1) manual pages. To load the library just type export LD_PRELOAD=/path/to/the/library For example export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libconnect.so If you want to stop using libconnect unset LD_PRELOAD If this bothers you can use the libconnect script provided in this package: . libconnect -on (please note the leading dot) or source libconnect -on To load the library and .libconnect -off or source libconnect -off To unload libconnect. If you want to use libconnect with only one application (without affecting others application's connections): libconnect [application [application's arguments]] ex: libconnect telnet 1234 to make this single telnet session using libconnect ########################################################## Configuration file format: [option][field separator][ip address][field separator][mask or port] [field separator][bytes to discard] s = directly access this host or network Example: s: This line lets you connect to without using a proxy. s: This machine can directly access ( p = proxy (type 0, connect proxy) to use Example: p: Proxy on port 3128, discarding the default number of bytes (in fact the discard field is missing) P = POST proxy (type 1) to use: Example: P: Proxy on port 7033, we are discarding 300 bytes If you want to stop cycling the proxies, use the libconnect script with the -stopcycle option or link to /dev/null your tmpfile; the first proxy found in the config file will be used by default. ex: libconnect -stopcycle or ln -sf /dev/null /tmp/libconnect.tmp To restart cycling your proxy servers call the libconnect script with the -startcycle option or remove /tmp/libconnect.tmp (which should be linked to /dev/null) ex: libconnect -startcycle or rm /dev/null ################################################################ The author is not responsible for any damage this soft could do to your system. Use at your own risk. No warranty. For questions, bug reports and so on... asus@elitel.biz Thank you