################################################################# Frequently Asked Questions ################################################################# Q: Are you crazy? A: yes, I am. Q: The code in parseconf.asm if awful, are you stupid? A: I know, it's a mess, I'm planning to rewrite it Q: Why assembly? A: I wrote this program for fun, asm is really cool :) Q: I can't understand your comments in italian A: Sorry, have to translate them in english Q: This stuff doesn't work A: Is your config file in the right place? Are you sure that your proxy are working? What about your LD_PRELOAD environmental variable, is that ok? Q: I can't resolve any hostname. A: Try adding your dns servers to the libconnect.conf // Shouldn't be necessary since 0.3 Q: The library doesn't cycle my proxies. A: libconnect uses a tmpfile; by default it's in the /tmp directory. If you haven't write permissions in the /tmp directory you should change the path of the tmpfile; run configure and edit the "parseconf.h" file. The tmpfile may also be linked to /dev/null; in this case libconnect will use only the first proxy found in the config file. If you use the libconnect script try the -unlock option. Q: I ran libconnect -stopcycle and now I can't lock-unlock or select the proxy A: You must run the script with -startcycle to reenable the proxy selection mechanism Q: The -lock option is strange, libconnect doesn't use the current proxy in the next connect() A: In fact when you locks libconnect, the NEXT proxy will be used. To use a specified proxy run libconnect -select and then -lock your choice. Q: I've found a proxy, will it work with libconnect? A: Connect to that proxy and type: CONNECT somewhere:port HTTP/1.0 [press return twice] For example: CONNECT HTTP/1.0 [return][return] If you can see something like "HTTP/1.0 200 Connection established" that proxy will work with libconnect. Q: My ftp sessions don't work. A: Due to ftp protocol limitations (for security sake) you must use the pasv (passive) mode and STOP CYCLING proxies (you can use the libconnect script or link the tmpfile to /dev/null) or lock libconnect (with the -lock option)